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How to save a culture? How to unite tribes that are separated since hundreds of years? First, not any culture. A culture that is almost unknown to the western civilization, and speaks an ancient language.

Little is known about the Koguis, the Wiwas, the Kankwamos and the Arhuacos. The indigenous tribes are trading very high qualities of Coffee, Cacao, Panela (Sugar Cane) and Mochillas, (very beautiful and robust handmade bags). To save this unique, wonderful and mystic culture of the "Jaguars" we first HAVE TO know about them. Why? Because the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta is world's Nb. 1 nature reserve with the highest number of threatened mammals, birds and amphibians on earth. How is it possible that almost no one knows about the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta? The mountains raise from the white coastline to 5775 meters. The Sierra is a tropical Forest and only for advanced hikers. The tribes have been avoiding contact with the "civilized" how the Jaguars call those that took off the tribal white cloth and live in a western way of life. This is very much understandable considering their last 400 years of history that have left deep scars that are still not healed, There are three aspects of the pact. Saving the national park Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, the knowledge of the Mamas (caretakers of the territory and spiritual leaders of the tribe) and supporting the tribes in the foundation of unity organizations representing the 4 tribes. Our answer is the "Unity and Peace Contract" without negotiation and question, regular recordings of the knowledge of the Mamas,  interaction with other caretakers of irreplaceable nature reserves and the Organization Of Unity Of The Indigenous Communities Of The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the world. Respect and protect the indigenous rights of integrity of their territory and undisturbed life is always the first law of action while synchronizing the efforts to save the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta by sharing the beauty of the biodiversity of life in the ancient territory with the world and supporting the tribes to restore the damage caused by ignorance and lack of attention. From who? From all of us. It is our responsibility and duty as  a world community to look after the irreplaceable nature reserves. It does not only enrich our lives to become aware of the beauty of life on our planet, it is also the only way to protect these fountains of life from extinction: Collective care and attention. The Sun Tribe has arrived. We are the ones creating the biggest and greatest global  network of care and attention of all times together protecting planet earth. How? Unity. Without question and negotiations. For the well-being of the planet, all differences and difficulties come to a good end. The global public-domain network connecting independent nature conserving organizations of the essential nature reserves with the world community is the perfect beginning of this new blossoming of planet earth.






​The Houses of the Origin are the main nodes where the law of origin is written and protected, are places where the tribes from all the world can meet and share knowledge. Here the Mamos will teach the children the  ancient knowledge and also the new - old foundations and principles for the redevelopment of the new world. The young generations deserve to hear and know of their many thousand years old history and preserve the knowledge of nature conservation, medicine, astronomy, grammatical conceptions, lifestyle, architecture, agriculture, vibratory codes. "The power of the ever blossoming Spirit"  the Poporo, as well as the names and the living conditions of the plants, minerals and animals of the Sierra Nevada and the world. We build this place of encounter for the other tribes of the world with an open-heart and the pact to unconditionally work together to safe culture, land and people. Is an important symbolic gift given with all our hearts, creating space for the new dialog. When the house is built and the net is working, come and join the unity of tribes and Celebrate the Mamajeru Ceremony of the Golden Sun Cycle.

abandon school
abandon school


Enable the leaders of the indigenous communities to communicate with the world
is a must.

Support us to train the leaders of the indigenous communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to communicate with the world, creating the possibility for their participation in English and Spanish trough digital communication courses is the only way to make their  voices resonate and give them visibility in the world. By inviting them to Europe and other Continents to speak in front of nature conserving organizations and circles, we can learn more about the indigenous culture, their  way of life and their wisdom.

Support us to know more about the unrevealed secrets of the indigenous culture, their art of living and their wisdom.

Join us in this golden task.
Come with us to make space for volunteers who want to learn and create golden bridges of collaboration, creating spaces for interaction between indigenous communities and the civilized world to be and to make the golden dawn.
and participate in research projects and cultural interaction.





Research work on medicinal plants, language and grammatical conceptions.
Land-use planning, astronomy, architecture, agriculture, family, women and territory.
It is fundamental for the creation of a database that connects to the global network.
All of this is supported by the concept of unity consciousness, and reinforces the whole structure and interconnectivity of original knowledge

Captura de Pantalla 2022-05-25 a la(s) 7.52.42 p. m..png
Sierra nevada butterfly


Protecting the World’s N1

Natural Reserve


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